Purging Inactive Users

Provides instructions on how to purge inactive users from the GridGuard register user registry. This will free up the licenses associated with these accounts, so they can be re-used.

Launch the Administration & Configuration Console, Select the 'Servers' node

Launch the Administration & Configuration Console, Select the 'Servers' node

Check the 'User Query' filter on each User Store server

Check the 'User Query' filter on each User Store server

Check the User Query setting for each of the servers that are associated with User Stores. The User Query should be structured such that only it will return back only active users.

For e.g. for an Active Directory server, the User Query should be set to (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=?)(!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))). This will ensure that only active users are allowed to register / be associated with the user store. For other types of LDAP stores, check your reference manual for the appropriate User Query.

Update the User Query, if necessary. After changes are made, click Update Server and Apply Changes to save the changes.

Select the License and User Management Option

Select the License and User Management Option

Choose the 'Purge Inactive Users' section

Choose the 'Purge Inactive Users' section

Click the Purge Inactive Users button This will start the process of reconciliation.  This process might take a few minutes depending on the number of registered users. Please wait for the process to complete. Navigating away from the page will not interrupt the process.

Reconciliation process - The system compares the list of registered GridGuard users against the entries for these users in the User Stores. If the entry for the user in the User Store cannot be found using the LDAP search query filter associated with the store, then the user will be deleted from GridGuard and the license released.

Check the number of Used Licenses

Check the number of Used Licenses

Choose the Current License Information section and click the Refresh Count button

The User Licenses count will be updated. The license count is formatted as (used licenses / purchased licenses)