GridSoftToken for iOS devices

Instructions for installing GridSoftToken on an iOS device

Locate GridSoftToken on the App Store

Locate GridSoftToken on the App Store

Search for GridSoftToken

Download and install the app


GridSoftToken Setup - Choose Custom

GridSoftToken Setup - Choose Custom
  1. On first launch, the GridSoftToken Setup dialog window will pop up. Choose the Custom option to specify the GridGuard server setup for your installation
  2. Specify the server name. This will be provided to the user by the system administrator
  3. On switching focus to the realm field,  a list of valid realms configured for GridSoftToken will be displayed. If there is only one realm setup for GridSoftToken, the value will be automatically populated.
  4. Select the appropriate realm
  5. Click Set Realm
  6. If the GridSoftToken realm is setup to use passphrases to generate unique serial key, the Set Passphrase window will be displayed
  7. Enter a valid passphrase. Passphrases should be atleast 10 characters long and can contain any type of characters including spaces
  8. Confirm passphrase
  9. Click Apply to save passphrase
  10. The GridSoftToken Settings screen is displayed. Note the serial number displayed on the screen. It will be used to register this device to the user's account.

Displaying the Grid

Displaying the Grid
  1. To display the grid, click on the Done button. The screen will flip over and display a grid. Any subsequent launch of the application will by default, display the grid.
  2. To get to the settings screen from the main grid screen, click on the gear icon on the top right

Synchronizing GridSoftToken with the GridGuard Server

Synchronizing GridSoftToken with the GridGuard Server

Periodically, it might be required to synchronize the device with the GridGuard server, if either the server clock or the device clock goes out of synch. To synchronize the device, click on the Synchronize button. The app will automatically contact the server and synchronize clocks.

Note: Clock synchronization does not involve changing the clock time on either the server or the client. It is purely a caliberation check that determines the offset so that the app is aware of the difference.

Resetting GridSoftToken

Resetting GridSoftToken
  1. To wipe all device settings, on the GridSoftToken Settings screen, click on the Reset button
  2. A dialog requesting confirmation of reset request is displayed. To reset the application, click Reset

Resetting the device will remove all locally cached settings. It will not delete the app, itself.