Login Workflow

Provides a high level workflow of the login process workflow

Login Sequence Diagram

Login Sequence Diagram

The various steps in the login process are:

  1. The user navigates to the  the Netscaler / AGEE login page URL
  2. Login page is displayed to the user
  3. The login page via an asynchronous javascript call (AJAX) retrieves a grid from the GridGuard server
  4. GridGuard server responds back with a newly created grid. The grid is displayed in the browser
  5. The user enters their username, network password and a GridPIN and submits the request to the Netscaler / AGEE server
  6. Netscaler binds the username and network password against the Active Directory server to validate the password over LDAP protocol.
  7. Active Directory validates the password and responds back with the appropriate response codes
  8. If network password validation was successful, Netscaler / AGEE binds the username and GridPIN against the GridGuard server to validate the GridPIN. This validation is done over the RADIUS protocol.
  9. GridGuard validates the GridPIN and responds back with the appropriate response code
  10. If the GridPIN authentication was successful, user is considered authenticated and given access to the protected resources.

If either the password or the GridPIN authentication failed in this process, the user is automatically directed to the password incorrect page and denied access to the system.