Login Page Customization

Instructions on how to customize the login page

Make a Local Copy of Customizations & Copy template

  1. With an SCP client,  WinSCP for example, download the contents of /var/customizations to your local machine.
  2. Make copy of the index.html file and rename the file to an appropriate file name.  index-gridguard.html for example.  

Customize index-gridguard.html - Add Style elements

Customize index-gridguard.html - Add Style elements

Edit the index-gridguard.html file to add the style elements as shown above. Changes have been highlighted in pink.

Customize index-gridguard.html - Add GridGuard References

Customize index-gridguard.html - Add GridGuard References

Add a form field for gridId and add the gridpanel element to paint the grid in. Changes have been highlighted in pink.

Customize index-gridguard.html - Add Javascript references

Customize index-gridguard.html - Add Javascript references

At the end of the file, add references to Javascript files and add the Javascript code as shown above. Changes have been highlighted in pink.

Upload Customized Files

Once the files are altered, upload the changed files back to the NetScaler / AGEE appliance.

After the files are uploaded open a shell command prompt session.  Now execute /nsconfig/nsafter.sh script. This will apply the changes to the login pages.

Customized Login Page

Customized Login Page

After all the customizations have been applied, this is what the new login page will look like.