Deploy SimpleSAMLPHP

Download SimpleSAMLPHP

Download SimpleSAMLPHP from  This tutorial is based on version 1.13.

Deploy SimpleSAMLPHP

Uncompress the SimpleSAMLPHP to a logical directory. It should not be within the your web server's public directory. I recommend /var/lib/simplesamlphp on UNIX style system.

Expose SimpleSAMLPHP Web Interface

Make an web server alias or use a symbolic link (if available) from {WebServerRoot}/simplesaml/ to /var/lib/simplesamlphp/www

By default, the SimpleSAMLPHP interface has an admin interface that will be available to the outside world. An admin should make sure there is at least a password protecting it's interface. Make sure to read the file {SimpleSAML Directory}/config/config.php to secure the deployment.