Realm Configuration
GridGuard realm configuration
Create a realm
Create and configure a realm as necessary. Ensure that the following values are also set:
1. Process Type : Custom
2. Process Type parameters:
a) className = com.syferlock.gridguard.proctype.PingFederateRefID
b) PF_BASE_URL = (assuming your pingfederate server has been named and you are using the default port 9031)
c) REFID_USERNAME = user (this is the value set up during the Referece ID Adapter setup as the IdP Adapter User Name)
d) REFID_PASSWORD = passphrase value (this is the value specified for passphrase during the Reference ID Adapter setup as the Pass Phrase)
3. Fields: Set the Username Field to username. Username Field #2 and password fields can be left blank
4. Check Pass Authentication to Backend
5. Logout URL = https://<gridguard_server>/gridguard/login.jsp?realm=PingFederate&loginFailed=true
6. Login Failed URL = https://<gridguard_server>/gridguard/login.jsp?realm=PingFederate&loginFailed=true
7. Lockout URL = https://<gridguard_server>/gridguard/login.jsp?realm=PingFederate&lockout=true